
I'm not me, I'm not him or her...

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I'm not me, I'm not him or her. I just am. I'm alive and that's all the personal information I can tell you. Now as this story unfolds you may think, 'But surely this is personal information being disclosed before me?' But it's not, because I have managed - quite a talent if you ask me - Because I no longer look at that person as me. I am merely a vessel for this story to be told. Maybe, story isn't quite the right word, because it isn't a fable or a myth. It's true, or at least as much as I can remember is the truth. Or is it even slightly the truth because I am years older than this event and therefore it is just a memory, my memory and therefore it is not a bystander's account, but my account and perhaps it is filled with my bias and not necessarily the real, hard evidence, documented facts. The reason for this is because it isn't documented. I didn't report it. So then there is no record of it, but my memory so does it make it right or even correct? If something is not documented does that mean it even happened because ALL I have to rely on is a memory nothing substantive, nothing that would hold up in court. But I guess it doesn't have to stand up in court or even seem believable because this is just MY memory, MY version of events.
Just the start of a monologue, any feedback is more than welcome.
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